Well, I guess I won't begin at the very beginning because this would start to look at little like the Old Testament and, well, that's not what you came here to read, right?
We are the Constants'. Tim, my hubby of now four years, me, Amber. Wyatt our almost 2 year old, and our newest edition, Vrai who was born July 12th, 6 weeks early! We love Jesus, and people, and laughing until we cry. What else? Hmm, we like to play with trucks, and eat, and poop, and eat, and sleep and then do it all over again. And this is our blog...the latest way to keep up with the Joneses:) It's true!
I started a blog mostly due to peer pressure and my need to always seem cool. Not the best reasons, but honesty is the best option, they say:) Also, our family is scattered to the four winds and if this helps give a better picture into our little homelife, then YAY, all the better!
Woke up at 5am to feed the baby while half-sleeping. 6am, back in bed, which I should mention at this point is our couch downstairs since it's closer to the kitchen. Why do you need to be by the kitchen you ask? Currently the babe, Vrai who is now two months old but the average size of a two week old needs a little extra help eating. So this looks like: breast feed for way too long (45mins-1hour), feed 1-2 oz. out of a bottle and then I get to pump (which is also why I need the kitchen). I've heard that saying you "Get to" do something helps you not dread it as much. So far it's not working:)
I look forward to the day when I can move back into my bedroom, and/or get a refrigerator for our bedroom upstairs. I'm guessing the latter probably won't happen anytime soon.
Tim leaves for school at 6:45am. I don't even hear him leave I'm so unconscious. Ships passing again...
Wyatt has started turning on his light and yelling every morning until I come get him, at which point I realize he's way past his limit in diaper absorption and an emergency change is needed.
The morning is a series of cheerios, milk (both cows and human:), shows that include a truck, Elmo or a large furry talking animal, very loud screaching requests for more, and that same routine of baby feeding afor mentioned.
Oh, and don't forget pj's and spitup:)
We got to go on an outing to Walmart and bought cookies and several other convenience foods to make life easier and probably less healthy...what can I say. I'm all about fast and satisfying Wyatt's screaming mouth. I will give myself a pat on the back for getting nuts. Nuts, I have heard, are full of protein and relatively high in fiber. Which is more than I can say for Oreos...which we also bought.
We get home and Wyatt's love affair with this enormous radio controlled truck continues...we eat lunch and all he can talk about is "truck" this and "truck" that, he even throws in a couple of garbled sentences about how the baby must love the truck:) Then he makes the "unh unh"sound for a loving hug and kisses the air in the trucks general direction. What a loving boy. I love that boy:)
Tim gets home and Wyatt lights up and immediately signals he's all done with the cookie he so recently coveted. They take a few slides down the stairs in the sleeping bag and then it's off to bed with Wyatt.
And now, as the babes sleep...i catch a few moments to myself and to write this completely uninspired first post. Hopefully they get better:) I haven't used my mind in this way in quite sometime, so bear with me as I get into the swing of it!
we shall see...
Loved your first uninspired post. I say, the more uninspired the better. Wish we lived in the same town because your day sounds strikingly familiar - minus the sleeping on the couch to pump routine but adding a 4 1/2 year old drama princess. Nuts are good, oreos are even better. They do make organic oreos if that would make you feel better. I haven't updated my blog since we were in the hospital with Henry more than 6weeks ago. There is always something to do...
Love to you and yours friend - I miss you!
Amber, you are hilarious! "Whatever you do for the least of these, you have done for me." You will have some kind of treasure trove when you get to heaven!!! I miss you guys, and I love you all so so much! I'm glad to hear that Wyatt still loves trucks.
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